Dating in today’s world is really fast-paced and chaotic. Many people turn to online dating apps and sites to find love, and casual dating has kind of become the new norm. Gone are the days when guys would bring you flowers on your first date and walk you home just to make sure you get there safely.
But just because the dating world has changed, it doesn’t mean the unspoken rules of dating have been forgotten. There are still expectations when it comes to ensuring you and your partner have a good time! Here are 21 modern rules of dating that will help you navigate the waters of love and romance.
9 Unwritten Rules of Dating Online
A profile is only as good as the photos used
One of the most important modern dating rules you cannot afford to break is uploading a photo to your dating profile. No one will trust you if they cannot put a face to the suitor! The photo for your dating profile needs to be carefully selected. Find something that is both flattering and doesn’t seem unrealistic, and you should be good to go.
Don’t brag
It is nice that you have a penthouse, a six-figure salary, and so forth. But no one likes a bragger. It is also important to avoid faking humility. The best thing to do is to find subtle and natural ways to bring up your achievements in your conversations.
Do not be a cliché in any way
Remember that the girl or guy you are interested in has plenty of other options to consider. So you want to make sure that everything from your profile bio to your very first text or email makes you stand out.
Avoid half-naked selfies
It is tacky and makes you seem like you are trying too hard. That is the case mainly with profile photos. It is okay to show off those abs or that bikini body you work so hard for. However, shirtless photos and booty shots are the quickest way to ward off any serious potential beaux.
Make sure you’re ready for a romantic relationship
Trust me, your online dates did not sign up to help you carry your baggage. Whether it is depression or a toxic past relationship, do your best to accept your past before moving on.
Don’t play games
Playing hard to get or being evasive is not cute. Seriously, no one has time for that. Just be straightforward if you like someone or if you feel that there is no chance.
Don’t share too much
You are talking to a complete stranger online, so there is no reason for you to divulge sensitive information. That covers everything from financial information and physical address details to deep dark secrets from your past. Save this for when he or she has truly earned your trust offline.
There is life outside the online world – try it
Do not leave your relationship in the online sphere for too long. If you are serious about finding love, go on as many dates as it takes to get what you want.
If you fall, get up and try again
The most important rule of dating online is – never give up! Have faith in the process, and you will find your happily ever after.
7 Unspoken Rules for the First Few Dates

Stepping into the dating scene may sound all fun and exciting, but sometimes, we do tend to complicate things unnecessarily. It might be stressful, yet, you can still turn it into a fulfilling experience only if you knew how to date ‘right.’
Although no rule fits all, there are still some dating guidelines you’d want to follow if you’re looking forward to a successful first date.
Wear appropriate clothes
Avoid the mistake of wearing something that doesn’t define you. The point is to be yourself and feel comfortable on your date.
Of course, put some effort into it and be presentable. Your match will definitely appreciate the time you took to look good for them! However, don’t try to be someone you’re not. Trust is built upon seemingly the shallowest of things.
Be smart about the location
Believe it or not but the location you choose may make or break a date. If you have just started dating this person, going to the cinema might not be the thing to do. Sitting next to each other in silence for two hours may build some awkward energies and won’t tell you much about your match. Cinema comes later when you know each other better. For the first few times you go out together, pick activities that allow you to spend time getting to know each other, like meeting for a cup of coffee or a drink.
The first couple of dates should also be in a public place, just to stay safe.
Don’t be late
First impressions are everything! Not knowing your date puts enough pressure already, so don’t put them in an awkward situation where they’ll have to wait for you alone in a restaurant. Show some class and respect their time – don’t keep your date waiting.
Keep your phone on silent for the entire date
One of the most basic unwritten rules for dating is – don’t be rude to your date. And nothing is ruder than ignoring your date to scroll on your phone non-stop. It doesn’t matter if you are on date #1 or it’s your second date – do not take out your phone! You want to enjoy your time together, not make the other person feel as if what they are saying isn’t important or interesting to hear. Of course, you can take important calls, but don’t exchange GIFs with your bestie.
Don’t admit to Facebook stalking
Checking out someone you’re interested in on social media is natural – of course you want to know what they really look like, who their friends are, and what kind of lives they lead. But do not let your date know you’ve been stalking them on social media. There’s a fine line between creepy and interested – do not cross it! And don’t go posting on their wall after the first date or changing your relationship status as well!
Be ready to pay
The fight for equality of the sexes killed the rule that men should solely pay for first dates. Bring your wallet and be ready to pay or at least split the bill. That said, don’t start a “war” over who’s got it covered in the middle of a restaurant. If your date insists on paying, politely accept and offer to pay on the second or third date.
Remember what dating is about
Dating is about having fun and getting to know the other person – it’s not a job interview! And the first date is not going to decide whether you will spend your life with this person. Enjoy yourself while learning about this new person, and don’t stress about whether they are ‘The One.’
Final Rules Of Dating

Don’t string anyone along
Remember, just because you’re not in a committed relationship doesn’t mean you can play with people’s feelings. If you’re not sure someone’s a great fit, let them know! It’s better for them to know you don’t see a future together than to be dragged along for a while. After all, nobody likes wasting time when it comes to matters of love and romance.
Don’t ghost
Cutting all communication with someone you’ve been seeing for a while without any rhyme or reason will give you a bad reputation. Even if that’s the worst date you have ever been on, be the gentleman/lady you are and part ways in a decent manner.
Facing awkward situations head-on speaks volumes of your level of maturity. As an adult, you should know that showing kindness is a sign of high emotional intelligence. Level up!
Be honest about seeing other people
Dating multiple people until you haven’t committed to anyone is totally ok, but you should always be honest about that when someone new enters your life. Be straightforward about it and let them know you’re sleeping with other people. Being open about your intentions and what kind of relationship you want will help your date manage their expectations and keep you on the same page.
You don’t owe anyone anything
You will receive a lot of attention when you start dating online, and this is new to most people. Just remember that you do not have to entertain everyone who reaches out. If you get a DM from a random person, it’s okay not to reply. There is nothing wrong with ignoring that email or turning down a date invite if you’re not interested. It’s not the politest thing to do, but at least you won’t waste your time chitchatting with a stranger.
And remember, just because you’ve been seeing someone for a while or they paid for the date, it doesn’t mean you owe them sex! And don’t go on a date expecting sex, either!
Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not
Getting in the role of someone completely different from what you are will do more damage than good. Dating someone should tell you if the two of you are a good match. You shouldn’t force chemistry by making up things that aren’t true. Under promise and overachieve, even when it comes to dating!
Summing It Up
Dating has never been more open and flexible than nowadays, but there are still some unwritten rules of dating etiquette we should all stick to. Give good thought to what you are looking for in a date and what you can offer in turn. Before you are off to meet someone new, make sure you have met yourself on a deeper level first.